Please fill out the form to contact me or give me a call at
+1 970 728 6743.
Cari Ann Sample-Malver
Loom Dancer Designs
PO Box 22128
Telluride, CO 81435
1247 Cerro Gordo Road
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Weaving Tours
Textile Odysseys to the Most Creative Corners of the World!
When I am not weaving, I am busy discovering and exploring many unique corners of the world. In my "real life," I own and operate an textile tour company, Loom Dancer Odysseys. We offer a variety of uncommon journeys for the fiber arts traveler throughout the world. Each
journey offered by Loom Dancer Weaving
Odysseysimmerses the fiber enthusiast in the culture of the destinatinon as well as offer a hands-on opportunity to
participate in various workshops of that country's textile tradition.
Where You Can See & Buy My Weavings
My work is currently on display and for sale at Tierra
Wools in the village of Los Osos located in the scenic Chama Valley of Northern New Mexico and Loom Dancers in Santa Fe.